Trợ lý Android của Gemini vừa trở nên hữu ích hơn khi điện thoại của bạn bị khóa. Google đang triển khai một cài đặt mới cho Gemini cho phép trợ lý ảo thực hiện cuộc gọi và gửi tin nhắn khi điện thoại của bạn bị khóa. Tính năng này không được kích hoạt mặc định và yêu cầu người dùng bật nó thủ công trong cài đặt ứng dụng Gemini. Người dùng cũng cần đảm bảo rằng các tiện ích gửi tin nhắn và cuộc gọi đã được bật, mặc dù điều này nên được tự động bật. #Gemini #TrợlýAndroid #CuộcGọi #GửiTinNhắn #KhóaMànHìnhGemini
- Google is rolling out a new Gemini setting that allows the AI to make calls and send texts while your phone is locked.
- This feature is not enabled by default and requires the user to manually turn it on in the Gemini app settings.
- Users also need to ensure the texting and calling extensions are enabled, although these should be turned on automatically.
Gemini was a bit of a reactionary product, starting life as Google Bard to directly compete with ChatGPT. So when Google turned the AI into an Android assistant, it was no surprise that a lot of the little things Google Assistant was capable of just weren’t present yet. Slowly but surely, this side of Gemini is catching up with its predecessor, and the latest addition is one of those quality of life improvements that’ll make you wonder why it wasn’t like this in the first place.
Google will go full throttle with Gemini in 2025
Aiming for 500 million monthly Gemini users
After the early signs of a rollout were spotted at the end of last year, it appears that Google is now widely introducing a new setting for Gemini that lets the AI assistant make calls and send texts when your screen is locked (via 9to5Google). However, unlike some of the Gemini extensions that have been added recently, this setting is not enabled by default.
If you’re okay with someone potentially being able to make calls and send messages without unlocking your phone, you can enable the new setting by tapping your profile icon in the top-right corner of the Gemini app. From there, go to Settings → Gemini on lock screen, then enable the toggle next to Make calls and send messages without unlocking.
Make sure texting and calling extensions are enabled as well
If you’re not seeing the setting, force-stop the Gemini app and try again. Another thing to double-check is the set of extensions that make this feature possible, though these are enabled by default. To make sure the feature is usable, tap your profile icon in the Gemini app, choose Extensions, then see to it that both the Messages and Phone extensions are enabled.
Gemini’s newest extension finally makes it a decent Google Assistant alternative
Is this the biggest nail in the Assistant coffin?
Now, you should be able to invoke the Gemini assistant from your lock screen and instruct it to “Call mom” or “Send a message to dad” without unlocking the phone first.